Saturday 26 April 2014


 Don't tell me you want wisdom if you no nothing about Solomon,

Don't tell me you want to start something if you've not read the whole Genesis,

Don't tell me you love Jesus if you've never won a soul,

Don't tell me you want a fruitful day if you don't start with the Holy Spirit.

Even the disciples who stayed at His feet did not move until they encountered the Holy Spirit.

Your habits are speaking the loudest everyday.

Thank God you have the power to model the exact future you want.

In the end however, you will always get exactly what your habits have created.


When life brings you a storm, your ship will start to shake.
Let faith remain unshaken.

But always pause to check,
the 'who' who sleeps on deck.

Be it Jesus or Jonah,
each one you'd find asleep.

Jonah will be the problem.
Jesus will be the answer.

Jonah you have to throw out. Jesus you have to call in!
Keep faith alive!